
How to start a blog for my business: #1 Beginners Guide

by | Dec 11, 2021 | Featured Articles

You know what a blog is, and you probably have been wanting to start that business blog for a while now but, other priorities have put it off. How to start a blog for my business is the big question you may be asking yourself. It is a valid question, and there are a lot of platforms and options out there to choose from.  Keep reading and you can find out for yourself just how easy it is to get started!

How to write a blog to promote your business

If I have got your attention and you have gotten this far then congratulations, you have already put your efforts into starting a blog. Keep reading this beginner blog guide that answers the question of how to start a blog for my business and learn how to start a blog from start to finish so you can reach more of your targeted audience.

Some of the other topics like business blog examples, how to create a business blog for free, how to write a blog to promote your business, and small business blog examples will also be discussed. Let’s get started and get you blogging.

How to start a blog for my business

Your brand, audience, and domain name

The first thing you will want to do before starting your blog is to think about and decide on the following: your brand, your target audience, and finally your domain name. How to start a blog for my business starts with laying down the groundwork and these three factors and are essential in order for your blog to be successful.

Your Brand:

A brand is a marketing or business concept that allows people to identify a company, product, or individual. People frequently conflate brands with logos, mottos, and other well-known emblems because they are both marketing instruments that help to promote goods and services.

However, a brand is more than just a logo and slogan; it encompasses all aspects of the company from customer service to marketing strategy. When thinking, how to start a blog for my business you will want to think about what kind of brand you want to create. Some questions you may ask yourself include:

  • What is the tone of my blog?
  • What are the values and mission of my blog?
  • How do I want my blog to be perceived by the public?
  • How will my blog set me apart from other businesses in my industry?

Answering these questions will help you to develop a brand for your blog that is unique and will help you to attract the right audience.

Your Target Audience:

When starting your blog, it is important to know who you are blogging for. How to start a blog for my business means that you have to be able to identify your target audience because, in order for your blog to be successful, the content must appeal and resonate with them.

If you are not sure what type of people will want to read your blog then you can conduct some research to find out. You can ask people what they would like to read about or you can research other blogs in your industry and see how they are attracting their targeted demographics. How to start a blog for my business is knowing who you want reading your content.

Domain name:

Choosing the right domain name is essential if you want a blog for your business to be successful. Starting a blog is not an easy task but choosing the right domain name can give your blog instant recognition and help it stand out from the rest of the crowd.

You do not have to choose something complicated, but it needs to be catchy so people will remember. How do you know if it is catchy enough? Well, you could test it out by Googling it and see what comes up or check if there are similar names already in existence on social media.

There is a handful of places to purchase your domain name from. Here are a few to choose from.

How to start a blog for my business: Choose your platform

Now that you have a domain name and your branding established you will need to decide on the platform you want to use. There are many different platforms to choose from, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most popular blogging platforms are Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, Wix, and Squarespace.


Blogger is a Google-owned platform that is free to use and easy to set up. You can create a blog in minutes by following the step-by-step instructions on the Blogger website. One of the benefits of using Blogger is that you can use your Gmail account to log in, which makes it very user-friendly.

However, one disadvantage of using Blogger is that you are limited in the design and customization options you have. Also, you are not able to make any money from your blog through advertising or affiliate marketing programs.


WordPress Blog PlatformWordPress is the most popular blogging platform and is used by millions of people all over the world. It is a free platform to use, but you can also purchase a premium account that gives you more features and options. One of the benefits of using WordPress is that there are many different themes and plugins available that you can use to customize your blog.

On the free version of WordPress, you can host your website on your own, using one of the many hosting platforms that are offered by any of the domain name registers that I mentioned earlier in the post.


The Tumblr platform is simple and user-friendly, making it one of the most popular blogging platforms. It is also free to use and you can set up a blog in minutes. How to start a blog for my business on Tumblr includes the ability to post multimedia content, such as images, videos, and GIFs.

One of the disadvantages of using Tumblr is that there are not many design customization options available and you are limited to the themes that are offered.


The Wix platform is a website builder that lets you create a website for free. To start a blog on Wix you will need to sign up for an account and then create a website. After that, you just add a blog to it. You can choose from one of the many templates that are available and then start adding posts and multimedia content. Wix is extremely easy because all the steps are laid out in front of you.

One of the disadvantages of using Wix is that it has limited design customization options, making it difficult if you want to add any custom code or use other types of plugins.


The final platform that I will discuss is Squarespace. Squarespace allows you to create a website and blog that is fully customizable. You can choose from many different designs and then add the features that you want. Like Wix, you will need to set up your website first by signing up for an account and then picking a template, then you will add your blog and start posting. Squarespace includes an image editor and many other tools and plugins that make it easy for you to edit your site and content.

One of the disadvantages of using Squarespace is that the monthly cost can be a bit more expensive than some of the other options.

Creating your content on your blog

Now that you have chosen your platform, it is time to start thinking about the type of content you want to post on your blog. This can be anything from product reviews and how-to articles to blog posts about your business or industry.

A great way to come up with content ideas is to think about the questions that your customers or clients ask you most often. If you can answer these questions on your blog, you will not only be providing valuable information but you will also be helping to establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Another way to come up with content ideas is to look at the news and current events and find ways to tie them into your industry or business. This can be a great way to engage your audience and help them see how your business relates to the world around them.

When creating your content, it is important to keep in mind the keywords that you want to rank for. You can use a tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner to find keywords that have a high search volume and low competition. Then, make sure to include these keywords in your content, as well as in the titles and meta descriptions of your posts.

Promoting your blog content

Once you have posted some content, the next step is to promote it. How you promote your blog posts will vary depending on which platform you are using for your blog. For example, if you are using Tumblr, then one of the most popular ways to get more views is through re-blogging other users’ posts. How-to articles and lists are also popular on Tumblr, so make sure to include those in your content strategy.

If you are using a platform like Wix or Squarespace, then you will need to use other methods to promote your content, such as social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.

WordPress is a little bit different than the other platforms because it is a self-hosted platform. This means that you will need to purchase a domain name and web hosting in order to use it. However, WordPress also offers many more features and customization options than the other two platforms and when it comes to promoting it the sky is the limit with many sharing options like Jetpack plug-in and AddThis.

No matter which platform you are using, there are a number of ways to promote your content. The most important thing is to be consistent and publish new content on a regular basis.

Analyzing your blog traffic

Once you have been blogging for a while, it is important to start analyzing your blog traffic. This will help you to determine which posts are performing the best and which ones you should focus more of your attention on.

Some of the most popular posts in social media are how-to articles or lists, so this is a great type of content to create when you first start out. This will give you an idea about whether or not blogging is something your audience responds well to and if they would like more posts like that in the future.

You can use a tool like Google Analytics to track your blog traffic and see where your readers are coming from, what type of devices they are using to access your content, and how long they are staying on your site. This information can be invaluable when it comes to creating content that is relevant and engaging for your audience.

Get help for your blog: Hire an expert.

Blogging is a great way to connect with your audience and share your knowledge and expertise with the world. By following these tips, you can create a blog that is successful and engaging for your readers. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today with a free consultation call!

Looking for more information on the difference between blogging and social media? Check out this post Blogging Vs. Social Media If you have any questions about starting your blog please reach out. Creative Edge Media Group has been helping businesses with blogging, web design, and search engine optimization for over 10 years.

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