
Engaging content and how to activate your audience

by | Jan 3, 2017 | Blog, Content Strategy, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing

What is content marketing?

If you have been working in digital marketing in the last 20 years then you have heard the term “content marketing” Content marketing is the practice of creating unique original and engaging content, pushing an audience to the content, and then anticipating that the content you or your team created is useful or engaging enough to get users to share, like, or comment on it. The goal here is to make impact on the user so that they engage. When copywriters or content creators make this happen, it’s an awesome feeling and its good for consumers and great for the brands behind it.

What is the the goal for engaging content?

Essentially the goal is to create one or more data-driven identities based on first-party data from customers, partners, employees, and market research providers. This is the “who” in who you want to reach with your engaging content.   Analysis of the actual audience size and composition provides tremendous measurement and optimization opportunities.

Activating an audience

Activating an audience and SEO – Creative Edge Media Group

Observing where the target audience discovers and later shares stories is critical to understanding their true reach and relevancy. Tracing the course of the story from one member of the target audience to another is a great indicator of where to buy PPC and other forms of advertising to further amplify the message and incrementally expand its reach.

Getting the audience to read more…

Stories that reach a consumer who is looking at his or her Facebook news feed on an i Pad while riding the train to work is a very different opportunity than one where the content reaches a dad who is sitting on his couch with the TV on while thumbing through the news. Developing a set of metrics and benchmarks that reveals the true reach, engagement, and ROI of each unit of content will provide your business with the necessary feedback to know when and where to invest to achieve the best possible financial and strategic outcomes in the near and long terms.

  • Acknowledge your audience:  Your audience is vital and you must deliver the right content for the right audience. Approach and use insights to qualify to understand your audience. Understand who your audience is, where they are and what they are thinking.
  • Good Storytelling is essential:   Work dynamically to develop your theme and narrative. The story must connect to your audience while supporting your own capabilities. Think about what your audience wants to hear and be creative in the approach.
  • Engagement:  Focus on developing and delivering creative engaging content that will encourage your audience to engage and interact with your brand. Is your content something that will benefit them?  Ultimately you want them to be grateful for what they are reading. You are not the one who will decide what is good content, your audience will.
  • Activation:  Have a clear strategy prepared for the frequencies you will use to deliver your content and focus on how you can make it purposeful.  Activating your content across multiple platforms will enable you to deliver measurable outcomes. Remember that your content should be posted across multiple platforms so you gain a cross platform reach.

Encourage ways for them to tell their friends and peers.

An audience is simply a group comprised of individuals that share a common affinity or activity. To understand that audience and best optimize its experience and potential for returns we must understand the individual. Remember to never underestimate your fans’ desire to participate in telling your story.

Social media platforms exist for you and you build a story, and for your fans to share that story with others. The more tools you give them to tell your story, the easier they can share it.