
How to start a blog and get paid | A guide for new bloggers

by | Jun 11, 2021 | Blog, Blogging Tips, Content Strategy, Featured Articles

You. Yes, you. Do you think you can make money through blogging, make blogging your new passion, and have a real income? In this blog post, I will give you some advice on how to start a blog and get paid. An idea of being a blogger might have crossed your mind, and guess what? It is time to consider it. Some become super bloggers, yet they just started it unwillingly.

Often, people around you get bored when you pass critical information to them through a conversation or writing, yet you desire to acquire knowledge. Worry no more for blogging can successfully give the info to great multitudes you earn for the substantial hard work you have done. But before you start a blog and make money, there are a few things you should consider.

How to start a blog and get paid

Be Clear With What You Want to Blog Out.

Do not let yourself be among the group of people who are not sure of the niche they want to occupy and thus end up writing so many topics, spreading their workings all over the place. The big question you need to ask is how to start a blog and get paid unless you’re doing this for fun. The first place to start is blog research.

Blogging will be easier if you specifically choose a particular topic and always consider it. While selecting the topic to write about constantly, you should consider the quality, not the quantity of the information.

Like your blog, always try to be genuine as much as possible. Express your peculiar voice and personality to the whole world in a way that is hard to sample. Although you have successfully identified the niche you will occupy in the blogging sphere; it is still essential to have a deep understanding of the blog’s ultimatum. Always have in mind that without qualitative and reachable goals, you will achieve nothing with your blogging. This is one of the most important things when asking how to start a blog and get paid.

Get to Know and Understand the Various Blogging Platforms.

Even though many blogging sites are available, only two of them have proved their worth repeatedly. WordPress.com is a free site that makes it a much and straightforward convenient blog site to use for any beginner. Blogger.com is a platform that Google owns. It is a free site and has a clear interface.  Both platforms do not need much customization and additional tools to get going on.

However, If you are interested in blogging as a source of income, use a self-hosted site. A self-hosted WordPress site will give you a lot more customization and power to create your dream blog. Remember, you will have to purchase a domain name and pay the hosting web company, but it will all pay off after you start earning.

Guarantee that Your Blogs are of High Quality and their Design is Immaculate.

Quality always has and will always be the key; thus, your blogs must be of remarkable quality. Never compare quality and quantity when it comes to blogging. Consider a design that will appeal to the target readers by ensuring it is clean, well-organized, and simple. Remember the importance of blog research before you design your dream blog.

Readers will always want to see what you will write next, always ensuring that before posting a blog, it is worth reading. Otherwise, please do not post it. Use attractive colors which are easily readable. Mobile reading is very important. The more your platform is mobile-friendly, the more views you will acquire since most viewers rely on mobile phones to read blogs.

There are many themes or templates out there to use to gain a unique style. Using a free template is a good way to start as a beginner, but once you begin earning, look out for a blog designer who will customize good themes or templates for your blogs and make the design truly unique.

Conduct Deep Blog Research

Blog research is one of the critical things to do beforehand any project starts, which includes blogging. Through proper research, you shall know how to communicate effectively with your audience online. It would be best if you always knew that creating quality information for an online audience is far much different from all other distribution channels.

Try as much as possible to use Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which will make your blogs readily available when someone searches on the internet while using specific keywords. Learn more about making your posts friendly, enabling them to obtain more traction whenever someone conducts online searches. Also, get to know more about HTML.

Blog research

Be patient when thinking about how to start a blog and get paid.

No hard work ever goes in vain. You will not write a blog today, then the next day, you have thousands of followers. Even the famous started from nothing, and through their patience, they became successful. Make small but progressive steps, baby steps as you work hard, and eventually, you will get there, where prominent blog writers are now.

Being patient is a virtue toward prosperity. Below are the steps you can follow to open a blog platform at specific sites.

How to create a blog on WordPress

Being among the main blogging sites, wordpress.com is free. It offers unique designs which are of high quality. You do not require web design skills to write a blog while using wordpress.com. The site provides a free 50 GB space for your storage, offers a free domain for one full year alongside standard features.

Once you create your account, you shall be required to highlight your blog’s title and theme through some guided steps. Afterward, select a suitable domain name known as the website address, which is a fundamental procedure in creating blogs. Then modify your blog looks and functionality to make all your blogs attractive and pleasing. Since the theme is free, feel free to design unique styles which bring no harm. After all these you are suitable for the significant activity. Feel free to write your opening blog.

How to start a blog on Facebook

Are you interested in enlarging your site readership? Learn how to open a Facebook blog page. Having such a blog channel should be among your top consideration, for there is no other better platform than Facebook. Facebook has the highest number of active user interactions globally, which means you have a bigger audience. You can distinguish your account and the blog profile, which most bloggers prefer to separate their blogging and specialized character.

You will have to choose the open page icon then create your business. Afterward, you need to add the blog buff page photo as you decide your cover picture. You will need to change the Facebook URL then add a brief portrayal of your blog. You will have to fill out the about tab to provide more information about yourself as a blogger. Feel free to invite people and promote your page all the way.

How to start a blog on Instagram

Bloggers are of much essence to be active users of various social media platforms to make it easy for people to find them. The world is a shock due to Instagram’s progress with over 900 million, giving everybody the impression that everybody is using the application. Selfies, anniversaries, celebrations, and travel pictures are shared through this platform, motivating many in different life aspects.

Instagram blogging

First, you have to think of a good and attractive username. Upon it, add a beautiful profile. Afterward, you will choose your desire’s niche and always stick to it, either nature or adventure. This does not mean your posts should look the same but try and express them differently but should always convey the same message and should be easy to understand your stand. Pictures speak in a thousand words. Thus they are essential. Alongside your photographs, through captions, you get to tell more concerning the main idea.

Being that Instagram is so much into hashtags, try to use relevant ones. More than 25 hashtags are allowed per photograph but do not use them all. Keep in mind any post having more than ten hashtags usually gets the attention of many Instagram users. 

Thanks to evolving technology, Instagram now has a slideshow feature that enables you to collect all your pictures and make a slideshow out of them. This helps your new followers to know what your blogging niche is quickly.

It is evident that most Instagram users prefer videos to pictures; thus, put the story feature to enable your readers to know what activities went down for every taken caption. You can also talk about your personal life, which makes you more intimate with your followers. Posting often should be your norm. Persistency is the primary key to many good things in this life, and Instagram is not left behind.

Posting frequently will enable your followers to know your posting habits and increase the connection between you and your readers. Reply to all commentaries about your posts in a polite way to show you care about them. Get to consider all comments from all your readers from any social media, it will help you know how to improve your skills.

Start blogging and earn money today!

Though starting a blog may not seem to be easy, it is something that can be very rewarding and creatively fulfilling. Considering all stated facts, you have a chance to shine, and build up your career as you make money. Through blog research, starting and staying committed to your blogging, you will express all that seemed impossible to be shown to the world.

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